
the quality assurance

Ingenuo offers three foundations
to assure the quality of the output
of all Data Science projects

Standardized project approach - not missing any steps

Having the specifics of your assignment, first step is the inventory of available data (what is available, what needs to be acquired). Collect & Import follows, then cleaning up, classify, validate, modelling and visualization. Each project is finalized with the transfer of knowledge, project files and of course the output (models, algorithms, and so on).

Certified knowledge management

All Data Scientists of Ingenuo have an academic degree of econometrics and/or data science related Master. Additionally, all Data Scientists are specifically trained and certified on the Anacondatm environment and Data Camptm certifications on Data Science, data warehouse, programming (e.g. Pythontm) and modelling techniques.

Qualified project management approach

All professionals at Ingenuo are trained and certified for PRINCE2tm (fundamentals as practitioners) and SCRUMtm master (including Agile) as being the project management standards we apply to all projects Ingenuo runs.